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YP Holdings Bargaining Report #30


This is to advise that the tentative agreement reached by the parties on July 9, 2014 was not ratified by the membership. Your CWA Bargaining Committee has notified the Company. The Union and Company have scheduled to meet next week to discuss how we will move forward. Until notified otherwise, all bargaining unit employees are to continue working as scheduled. Your Bargaining Committee would like to thank those members who took the time to attend explanation meetings and submit their vote. It is of utmost importance that members continue to contact their Locals and engage in upcoming mobilization activities. United We Bargain, Divided We Beg

This is to advise that the tentative agreement reached by the parties on July 9, 2014 was not ratified by the membership. Your CWA Bargaining Committee has notified the Company. The Union and Company have scheduled to meet next week to discuss how we will move forward. Until notified otherwise, all bargaining unit employees are to continue working as scheduled.


Your Bargaining Committee would like to thank those members who took the time to attend explanation meetings and submit their vote. It is of utmost importance that members continue to contact their Locals and engage in upcoming mobilization activities.


United We Bargain, Divided We Beg