2022 Elections

Vote in the 2022 General Elections on Tuesday, November 8th
No matter what we look like or where we live, most of us work hard for our families. But greedy corporations are holding down our wages while raking in record profits. And we’re left paying the bill. We need elected officials who have our backs, not those who are in the pockets of corporations. We want the freedom to afford to live in the cities we work in. We want to walk into a grocery store and not feel stressed about buying food for the week. We deserve real leaders who side with working people over corporate donors. That’s how we protect our freedoms, our families, and our futures.
CWA District 6 Candidate Endorsements
CWA District 6 endorses candidates who share our values and are advocates for working families. You can find your state's list of endorsed candidates below.
Texas | Missouri | Arkansas | Kansas | Oklahoma
How to Get Involved
CWA members are taking action across the district to turn out fellow union members and our communities to vote in November. You can join us by taking action at home, in your workplace, or in your neighborhood.
- Sign up to phone bank or block walk
- Sign up for election and political updates
Have you volunteered for election work outside your Local union? We want to recognize your hard work! Let us know at cwad6pol@cwa-union.org
Voting Information
Click below to learn more about voting in your state. Information is available if you want to check your voter registration status, register to vote, find your polling place, what you need to bring to the polls, etc.
Texas | Missouri | Arkansas | Kansas | Oklahoma