Frontier Bargaining Report #31
Sisters and Brothers,
The Bargaining Committee met with the company today to further have further discussions regarding their VEBA proposal and the intent of certain paragraphs. Additional questions were reduced to writing so we can get the answers in writing as well. Although we felt we had a counter-proposal ready to present today, the committee was not 100% comfortable with it and we have waited and discussed it thoroughly to make sure we all are on board with it. We are going to meet with the company in the morning to present it and they stated they will have some things for us.
We continue to ask for your support through mobilization activities. Check the Local FaceBook page and website for them.
One way we can show the company how important it is to reestablish a 100% USA-based workforce and eliminate contracting is by you changing your work email profile picture and social media profile pictures to the below picture. We need good Union jobs making good livable wages and benefits. We cannot let contractors do our work!!

P.S. Check out the Yammer on the Gigaverse and chime in on what is important to you.
In Unity,
The Bargaining Committee