Frontier Bargaining Report #30
Sisters and Brothers,
The Committee compiled a list of all outstanding information requests. The Committee also prepared several counters that will be offered to the company tomorrow in hopes of getting us closer to an agreement.
If you are unfamiliar with the company’s new messaging portal called Yammer, please go to the Gigaverse and click on the Yammer link and review the posts regarding bargaining, specifically the posts starting on Thursday, at 6:59am by Shawna Pena. This will give you an accurate account of the disinformation by the CEO of a telecommunication company. You will also read him say, “Remember we are only a year in after destroying $12b of someone else’s money...” He goes on further to say to cause dissension among the rank and file by saying the Union is not coming to the bargaining table without clarifying where that table is at. This committee sent a message to Nick clearing the record that it is not Texas that is not at the table and that he is cordially invited to attend bargaining sessions here to see the retrogression his team is proposing.
We ask that you utilize Yammer to tell Nick how you would like to see him at the table as we are all in this together.
In Unity,
Your Bargaining Committee