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DirecTV Bargaining Report #9

On Monday, September 19, 2016, your CWA Bargaining Committee presented the Company with comprehensive package proposals.  The Union rejected the Company’s September 16, 2016 package proposals.  The Union Committee informed the Company that their package proposals from September 16, 2016,were inadequate in many areas and did not meet our Member’s needs.

The CWA Committee presented three different package proposals, one each for Districts 3, 4 and 6.  The three package proposals were comprehensive covering wages, working conditions and benefits. 

Included in the Union’s package are proposals on Recognition, Net Credited Service, Wage Schedules, PTO carryover time, Testing and Retesting, Transfers to Other Job Titles, Home Garaging, and the Success Sharing Plan. 

The Union presented a proposal on Benefits regarding the health care plan, disability, the savings plan and the pension plan.  Your Bargaining Committee presented wage proposals for all the job titles we are negotiating for.  The CWA Bargaining Committee also presented a proposal regarding Direct Broadcast Satellite work Technicians are currently performing and future work.

The Company said they wanted time to study and then respond to the Union’s package proposals.   The two Bargaining Committees remain on call.  

Your CWA Bargaining Committee