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Consolidated (Lufkin/Conroe) Bargaining Report #18

As was conveyed in the January 20, 2017 Bargaining Report, the parties last met on 01/18-19/17.  Your CWA Bargaining Committee had expected a response to our 12/01/16 package proposal and, if not accepted, a counter from the Company.  Instead the Company came to the table with absolutely nothing to offer and claimed that they had gone through the 12/01/16 package with the Union and rejected it on that same date.  This had not happened and the Company’s actions further convinced your Bargaining Committee that they do not want to reach an agreement that is fair and equitable to you, the employees who actually do the work that actually generates the Company’s revenue.  

Despite the Company’s actions, or lack thereof, your Union Committee presented yet another counter proposal to the Company on the afternoon of 01/19/17 only to have the Company reject it without any consideration. 

After rejecting the Union’s 01/19/17 package, the Company went on to claim that the parties were at impasse and stated their intention to send the Union their last, best and final (LBF) offer.  The Company also stated it would look very much like the last offer they made on 10/17/16.  The Union went on record stating the parties were not at impasse as evidenced by the numerous proposals the Union has offered.  As a result of the Company’s unfounded claim of impasse and their stated intentions of presenting the Union with an LBF, no additional dates were set to reconvene negotiations.  Nearly three weeks later, the Company finally sent their LBF to the Union on 02/06/17.  Due to previously scheduled commitments, the Bargaining Committee was unable to begin a collective review and assessment of the Company’s offer until the last couple evenings.  Unlike the Company, your Committee takes these negotiations seriously and needs to take the time to thoroughly assess the package.  Once completed, additional information will be posted.

Your CWA Bargaining Committee thanks the membership for their continued support.


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