Avaya Bargaining Report #10
Sisters and Brothers,
We write to you today with an urgent update on our ongoing negotiations. As we are all aware, our current contract extension is set to expire on October 24, 2023 at midnight. While we have made substantial progress on several smaller articles, critical issues that directly impact our members' well-being and job security are still unresolved.
Our dedicated bargaining team has been tirelessly working to secure the best possible contract for all of you. We have made tentative agreements on several proposals that will benefit our members. However, we must emphasize that larger issues remain on the bargaining table. These issues include termination payments, retiree benefits, pension increases and job security. We are unwavering in our commitment to ensuring that you receive fair compensation and benefits for your years of hard work and dedication to this company.
This past week, our bargaining sessions yielded limited results due to the counterproposals presented by the Company. These proposals put our members at risk of part-time employment, potential layoffs, reductions in income and attacks on your rights to just representation. Our bargaining team continues to stand firm for the protection of your job security, affordable healthcare benefits, a livable wage and retirement benefits that you rightfully deserve for your years of dedicated service.
Mobilization Efforts
Now, more than ever, we need your continued support and involvement. We urge each and every one of you to wear your red union shirts proudly, get more engaged with your local's mobilization efforts and maintain your steadfast support for our bargaining team. Together, we have the strength to overcome the challenges we face and secure the fair contract we all deserve.
Bargaining Reports
We understand the importance of keeping you informed throughout this process. Regular updates will be shared through official communication channels, including e-mails, newsletters and the cwa-union.org website. Your active participation in union activities and your unwavering support for the bargaining committee are vital in reinforcing our position at the negotiation table.
We strongly encourage you to remain engaged and united throughout this process.
In solidarity, we stand together and, with your support, we are confident that we can achieve a favorable outcome. We appreciate your dedication and solidarity as we continue to fight for the rights and benefits you have earned over the years.
In solidarity,
Brian Sawyer, Staff Representative
Sandra Strain, CWA Local 6016
Richard Chittenden, CWA Local 6215