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AT&T SW Ratification Vote - Mailing of Ballots

TO: AT&T SW Local Presidents and District 6 Staff


FROM: Sylvia J. Ramos, Assistant to the Vice President


SUBJECT: AT&T SW Ratification Vote – Mailing of Ballots


Dear Local Presidents and Staff,

Due to the numerous inquiries from locals regarding members not receiving ballots, I have checked into this with the vendor and was advised that the reason for the delay is due to the bulk mail process that is utilized by the Postal Service. For the larger locals, the printer was able to give the Postal Service pre-sorted bundles that were then sent directly to the Post Office nearest to the delivery address. For smaller locals, the Postal Service does not accept pre-sorted bundles and instead sends those ballots to a main Post Office to be sorted and then sent to the delivery Post Offices. Please keep in mind that the ballots were mailed from Detroit, Michigan. Our vendor, BallotPoint, is headquartered in Portland, Oregon; however, the union printer they utilize is located in Detroit, which is where the ballots were mailed out of. I have been notified by some locals that their members received their ballots yesterday, which is very encouraging. I am hopeful everyone will have their ballots no later than the end of this week.


Any member who does not receive their ballot by the end of the day on Friday, March 24, should contact their Local. All requests for replacement ballots must come through Locals to the District office in Austin and submitted by no later than March 29. So that we have a record of all requests, please email or fax the member's name and correct address (member ID is helpful but not required) to Nicole Harris in the Austin office: or 512-330-0892.


As a reminder, locals who would like to have an observer present during the vote count on April 6, are asked to submit the name of the observer to me as soon as possible at and by no later than Friday, March 31.


Should you have any questions, please contact your CWA Representative.


