Frontier Bargaining Report #3
On Friday, July 22, 2022, The Union and the Compay met twice and the Union passed a voluminous amount of proposals to Frontier. The Union is reviewing and assessing the company's proposals as well as preparing multiple request for information to substantiate the company's position. Your committee was able to TA (tentatively agree) to a couple of proposals that will strengthen our membership and provide a better future. Bargaining will reconvene on Monday, July 25, 2022, with the committees. Your committee will continue to review proposals throughout the weekend. Please support your bargaining committee by wearing red on Thursdays.
United we bargain divided we beg,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee
Jewish Family Services Bargaining Report # 4
Jewish Family Services Bargaining Report #3
COMING SOON! DTV Bargaining 2024-2029