CWA/Consolidated Bargaining Report #1
The Communications Workers of America Bargaining Committee met with Consolidated Communications at 9:00 a.m. to kick-off bargaining. Representing CWA at the negotiating table are as follows: Sylvia J. Ramos, Staff/Bargaining Chair; William Gates, President - CWA Local 6218; Darrell Novark, Vice-President - CWA Local 6218; and Larry Hanzik, Steward-Bargaining Unit Representative, CWA Local 6218.
Union Chair Ramos responded to the Company’s opening remarks focused on consolidated success based on our members, their employees’ history of loyalty, commitment, and dedication to their job. The Company’s success is a direct result of the partnership with CWA. The Union stressed the importance of conducting negotiations in a professional manner with mutual respect. Ultimately the Unions’ goal is to protect their member’s best interest and negotiate a fair and just contract.
As formal negotiations commenced numerous proposals were presented by both parties. The Union worked late into the night reviewing and assessing proposals. Formal negotiations will continue tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.
It is extremely important that we participate at 100% in all of our Mobilization activities to send the Company a STRONG MESSAGE…..WE ARE UNITED AND STAND TOGETHER IN OUR FIGHT FOR A FAIR AND JUST CONTRACT!
UNITED WE BARGAIN…………………DIVIDED WE BEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DTV Contract Explanation Meeting and Ratification Vote