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DirecTV Bargaining Report #11

The CWA Bargaining Committee and Company Committee met on Wednesday, September, 21, 2016.   The Union Committee rejected the Company’s latest package bargaining proposals for District 3, 4 and 6.   

The Union Committee then presented the Company with package proposals of our bargaining demands for District 3, 4 and 6.  The Company Committee asked questions about the Union package proposals.

Included in our package were proposals on Wage Treatment, Benefits, Pensions, Job Titles, the Success Sharing Plan, and Home Garaging.  Also in the package are proposals for Effective dates for Wage Treatment and dates work rules and policies will be implemented for our former DTV members.

There has been movement at the negotiating table this week.  More movement is needed for both sides to come to an Agreement.   The two Committees remain on call to meet again. 

Your CWA Bargaining Committee