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Contract negotiations resumed on January 18, 2017 and continued on January 19, 2017.  When the parties last met on 12/01/16, your CWA Bargaining Committee had presented the Company with a comprehensive package proposal for settlement of all issues which the Company indicated they would review.  Upon returning to the table on Wednesday, the Company had nothing to offer and claimed that they had gone through the 12/01/16 package with the Union and rejected it on that date.  This did not happen and the Company’s actions have only solidified your Bargaining Committee’s belief that they do not want to reach an agreement that is fair and equitable to you, the employees who actually do the work that actually generates the Company’s revenue.  To be clear, the only counter the Company has offered to numerous Union proposals since 10/17/16 is one they passed on 11/07/16 but thought they had presented the Union on 10/17/16.  In essence, the Union is the only party actually negotiating and passing proposals in an attempt to reach a new agreement. 

Despite the Company’s actions, and lack thereof, outlined above, your Union Committee worked Wednesday evening and Thursday morning assessing possible modifications to the 12/01/16 package proposal presented to the Company.  Changes were made in some areas and passed to the Company Thursday afternoon.  The Company rejected the changes without consideration. 

After rejecting the package, the Company went on to claim that the parties were at impasse and stated their intention to send the Union their last, best and final (LBF) offer.  The Company also stated it would look very much like the last offer they made on 10/17/16.  The Union went on record stating the parties were not at impasse as evidenced by the numerous proposals the Union has offered.  As a result of the Company’s unfounded claim of impasse and their stated intentions of presenting the Union with an LBF, no additional dates were set to reconvene negotiations.  Once the Union receives the LBF, your Committee will review it and determine a course of action.  The Bargaining Committee will keep the membership updated as matters unfold.

Your CWA Bargaining Committee thanks the membership for their continued support.


Unity Is Best Displayed By Actions

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