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Consolidated (Lufkin/Conroe) Bargaining Report #16

Your CWA Bargaining Committee resumed negotiations with the Company on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 and the parties met again on Thursday, December 1, 2016.  Negotiations on a new collective bargaining agreement continue to move slowly with the Union being the only party passing proposals in an attempt to reach agreement on a new contract.  On Wednesday, the parties spent considerable time discussing the Company’s responses to two information requests submitted by the Union.  Your Union Committee spent the rest of the day and evening formulating another comprehensive package proposal that was passed to the Company today.  The parties went through the facets of the proposal with the Union answering questions from the Company.  The parties recessed to give the Company time to further review the proposal.

Due to considerable schedule conflicts throughout the next few weeks and then the holidays that follow, it is unlikely that the parties will be able to resume negotiations until after the holidays.  Additional information will be forthcoming once available.

Your CWA Bargaining Committee thanks the membership for their continued support and wishes each of you, your families and loved ones, the happiest of Holiday Seasons.  Please be safe in your travels.

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