AT&T SW Bargaining Report #11
The CWA Bargaining Committee met with the Company on February 14, 2017, and presented a comprehensive Modified Union Demand Package. The Union Committee’s Demand Package was in response to the completely unacceptable Company Demand Package. CWA Bargaining Chairman, Mike Neumann, stated in the meeting that both the Union and Company entered into early bargaining with the understanding that both Committees would do their best to negotiate a contract by the end of February. Both Committee Chairs agreed that this was the goal and both agreed to get serious with negotiations.
The Company presented the CWA Bargaining Committee responses to previous data requests that the Union had previously presented. Listed below are the Union’s demands that were presented on February 14, 2017.
- Return contracted work back to the Bargaining Unit
- A watermark of 100% headcount at the end of the 2017 Agreement
- Improvements to the National Transfer Plan
- Improvements to the MOA for Employment Security Commitment
- Improvements on the Force Adjustment Article
- Improvements on the Severance Payment Tables
- Proposals on Holidays, Vacation, EWP’s, Travel and Absences from Duty
- Significant Wage Increase
- New language on the Contracting of Work
- Improvements to the 401K Savings Plans
- Increases in the AT&T Pension Plans
- Improvements to the Bridging of Service
- Increases to the Age Credit Factors of the BCB2 Program
- Improvements to the Medical, Dental, Life Insurance and and Vision Plans
- Pay Protection for all contractual time off for the Leveraged Service Representatives
- Extend the Service Representative Review Committee
- Extend the Recommendations of the Revenue Management Representative Working group
- Extend the Recommendations of the Communications Consultant Joint Leadership Forum
- Comprehensive package improvements for Premises Technicians
- Increase wages
- Contractual time off considered worked time when calculating overtime
- Lower time in title and time in location
- DIRECTV work given to Premises Tech instead of contractors
- Add per diem to Travel instead of the current amounts
- Reduce mandatory overtime
Your CWA Bargaining Committee has received many comments about Bargaining Reports #8 and #9. The Members of the Union Committee are appreciative that you are reading the reports and are Mobilizing to let your Managers know that we are all in this together and that we will not accept anything less than a good and just Labor Agreement. Your CWA Committee thanks all of you for your words of encouragement and support.