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YP Holdings Bargaining Report #22

The Company’s Management Rights proposal would allow the Company to give all of your work to third party vendors whenever they feel like it. The Company’s Outside Contracting letter would allow the Company to outsource your work whenever and however they wish with no recourse for the Union to protect you. However, we did not go to the bargaining table for a purpose of giving away your essential rights and protections.
The Company may label their proposal “final”, but that is their label, not ours. As far as the Union is concerned, we remain in bargaining status. The Union has a package proposal on the table that is fair to both the employees and the Company. Our Union proposal is not only fair to all parties, it is negotiable as we have informed the Company repeatedly. We have invited the Company to offer counterproposals to the Union proposal but so far they have refused to do so. They insist on their way or the highway. Yesterday afternoon we once again invited them to give us counterproposals to the Union proposal, and once again we informed them that we remain open and willing to considering any counterproposals they wish to offer. Once again they refused to offer any.
The present contract expired last night at midnight as a result of the Company’s demands. At this time the Union is not calling a work stoppage. You should continue to go to work as usual. Your existing conditions of employment are still your conditions of employment. We remain determined to negotiate a fair new contract for you. Thank you for your solidarity.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee