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YP Holdings Bargaining Report #17

The Union and Company met all day and into the night on, December 5, 2013. 
The Union presented the Company with Union Counter Proposal (UCP) 18 to Company rev Proposal (CrP)18, Sales Representatives and UCP19 to CrP19, Account Representatives.  The Union and Company had a lengthy discussion regarding CP21, Article XXVI, Account Representatives, Sales Representatives, Senior Account Representatives and Cyber Representatives.
The Company presented the Union with final company proposal 19, Account Representatives, final company proposal 18, Sales Representatives, final company proposal 20, Senior Account Representatives, final company proposal 17, New Media Representatives and final company proposal 23, Cyber & TA. The Company presented the Union with Company rev Proposal 21, Article XXVI, AR, SR, SAR and Cyber.
No Agreements Reached.
We are scheduled to meet again today, December 6, 2013.
Please continue to tell your “immediate supervisor” you want a fair contract!
In Solidarity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee