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YP Holdings Bargaining Report #12

The Union and Company met November 26, 2013.  The Company wanted to discuss Union Counter Proposal (UCP) 1, Management Rights, UCP 2, Collective Bargaining, UCP 3, Outside Contracting and UCP 4, Post-Retirement Medical.
The Union and Company met on November 27, 2013.  The Union passed the Company UCP 5, Job Vacancy, UCP 6, Force Adjustment and UCP 7, Letter Printing Contract Books.
The Union and Company resumed negotiations today, November 29, 2013, continued discussion regarding Article XXVI, Account Reps, Sales Reps, Senior Account Reps and Cyber Reps., Compensation plans. 
We are scheduled to meet again tomorrow morning at 8 am.
Your CWA Bargaining Committee