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YP Holdings Bargaining Report #10

The Union and Company met this afternoon to continue discussions regarding compensation plans. The Company made a presentation regarding the Telemarketing Administrator job title which included a proposal to CUT their base pay by 20% and to CUT incentives.

This is consistent with the rest of the Company’s retrogressive proposals relative to sales titles which include the following:

• New Compensation Plan Model that reduces commissions on average by: 5% for Senior Account Representatives, 3% for Account Representatives and 3% for Sales Representatives!!!

• New Compensation Plan Model for Cyber Representatives reduces average commission/incentives by the following:

Outbound 3%

  • Warm Transfer 31%
  • Winback 40%

These cost cutting proposals are on top of the numerous retrogressive proposals that are currently on the table such as:

  • Healthcare Benefits - Reduce current coverage levels and increase employee monthly contributions and deductibles.
  • Retiree Healthcare – Take Away
  • Termination Pay – Establish a two-tier Termination Pay benefit with employees hired after expiration of current Agreement receiving less. Company proposal also eliminates termination pay for employees dismissed for work performance.
  • Forced Adjustment - Eliminate bumping and seniority for layoffs.
  • Pension – Freeze at benefit level attained at expiration of current Agreement
  • Outside Contracting
  • RESTRICT AND REMOVE Bargained for Union Worker RIGHTS and replace with management rights!!!

As of today we have not reached agreement on any proposals – either Union or Company! It is imperative that all CWA members employed by YP Holdings become engaged. This is YOUR FIGHT. Now is the time to show your solidarity by:

  • Wearing RED next Wednesday, November 27, 2013.
  • Tell your immediate supervisor that you want a fair contract by expiration on December 6, 2013!
  • Call your Local to get information about a special Town Hall Call for members employed by YP Holdings and their Local leaders on Tuesday, November 27.
  • Call your Local to get involved with other mobilization actions in your area.
  • Look for information from your Local regarding the upcoming “strike vote”.

Again, this fight is about YOUR FUTURE!!!! Help your CWA Bargaining Committee help you! GET INVOLVED!

In Solidarity,

Your CWA Bargaining Committee