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Windstream Bargaining Report #3

To the Union Membership, the Bargaining Committee wants to thank you for your diligent concern in your future and ours. The Bargaining Committee has compiled all the information from your 2014 Bargaining Survey. We want to thank the mass majority of members who filled out and expressed their opinions and concerns about this round of negotiations. The Bargaining Committee has come up with numerous proposals addressing these issues.  The Company has also brought forth several proposals. We met several times through the weekend reviewing every word and studying the intent of every proposal. We are still early in negotiations and have a lot of work to do. We will continue to update you as we meet and have new information.  Remember Solidarity we Stand to continue to fight Cooperate Greed!!!!!!!!  We want to thank you for your support and activities.  Wear red on Thursdays and Black on Fridays.