Windstream Bargaining Report #7
February 14, 2017
Your Bargaining Committee met with the Company in full session twice Tuesday, February 14, 2017. The Union passed 7 new proposals to the Company including Card Check, Enhanced Vacation, More Personal Holidays and Termination Allowance. We proposed to remove the cap from the Termination Allowance.
We continue to stress the importance to the Company of job security. However, Windstream seems to care less about job security as they rejected 2 proposals within a few hours of receiving them that dealt with the protection of UNION JOBS.
It also appears that Windstream is not here to get a contract by the expiration date when they take days to fulfill the Union’s information requests. We will not agree to ANYTHING without getting the facts.
Windstream has not even passed a proposal since the start of bargaining. They have countered only 2 of our proposals.
We will not be bullied and will stand toe to toe with this GREEDY Company to get a fair and just contract. Stay UNITED and stay INFORMED! Again, send an email to the CEO and tell him we want a fair and just contract.
Tomorrow is RED SHIRT THURSDAY. Show the Company you have our backs while we fight for what is right.
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee
Jewish Family Services Workers United - Meeting the Bargaining Team!