Windstream Bargaining Report #5
February 9, 2017
Your Bargaining Committee met with the Company to answer several questions they had on the proposals the Union passed. The Company has rejected a couple of the Union’s proposals we presented to them addressing job security and movement of work. Your Committee has held firm on these proposals while the Company has maintained their stance on take backs.
This is the BIGGEST bargaining Unit that Windstream has. We must show the Company that we stand UNITED and STRONG. Remember, your Bargaining Committee is only as STRONG as its members. Show the Company you support your Bargaining Committee by wearing RED on Thursday and Black on Friday. Tell the CEO you want a fair contract and will settle for NOTHING LESS.
This Bargaining Committee will not be BULLIED or FORCED to accept anything but a FAIR and JUST contract for all.
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee
Jewish Family Services Workers United - Meeting the Bargaining Team!