Windstream Bargaining Report #16
March 1, 2017
Your CWA Bargaining Committee is pleased to announce that a Tentative Agreement (TA) has been reached this morning, March 1, 2017, at 8:03 AM.
Your Committee has worked long and hard to address the items that were submitted by the members from the surveys we received. We believe this agreement accomplished those goals.
There will be a town hall call scheduled next week to explain the agreement. In the next few days, you will be receiving a ballot along with a document detailing the highlights of the agreement in the mail.
Please check the Local and District Websites for any updates.
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee
Bargaining Report #2
Bargaining Report #1
Jewish Family Services Workers United - Meeting the Bargaining Team!
Jewish Family Services Workers United - Meeting the Bargaining Team!
Jewish Family Services Workers United - Meeting the Bargaining Team!