Windstream Bargaining Report #13
February 23, 2017
Your Windstream Bargaining Committee met with the Company today, February 23, 2017, to go over proposals. We had open discussions on topics addressing the concerns of the membership on Coaching, Contract Labor, Job Application Procedures, Retail Sales, and Bereavement.
Remember, these are benefits that we have to fight the Company tooth and nail for. The Company would love nothing more than to strip us down to what non-bargaining employees get. This is a prime example of what Windstream thinks of their employees. We are the nuts and bolts of this Company. It’s very important to stress to your fellow members to keep informed and participate in mobilizing efforts.
This is all of our fight. The Bargaining Committee is only as strong as its members.
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee
Jewish Family Services Workers United - Meeting the Bargaining Team!