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Verizon Midwest Bargaining Report #5

The Union and Company Committees met yesterday to resume bargaining.  The Union passed information requests on Attendance and a revised Information and Confidentiality Agreement on Pension Plan information on Monday and are awaiting the Company's response. The Company provided information on the Sales Incentive Compensation Plan requested by the Union.  The Union Bargaining Committee is reviewing the details and holding firm on our proposal for improvements to the SIC plan.  The Union made it clear that the Company has presented a package of retrogressive proposals and we are not prepared to accept anything less than what Verizon has already agreed to and in fact know that they can do better for our members in Missouri.  We reiterated our priorities on Healthcare, Wages/Sales Incentive Compensation, Job Security, Vacation and Scheduling Improvements and Pension/Retiree Benefits.  The Company rejected the majority of the Union's proposals and in turn the Union rejected the Company's proposal on stopping union dues during any hiatus period between contracts.  The Committees agreed to meet again today, Thursday to continue bargaining.  Your CWA Bargaining Committee will continue to press for IMPROVEMENTS NOT RETROGRESSION!!!!
Please watch the Union boards for updates on Mobilization activities.  THURSDAY WEAR RED       FRIDAY WEAR BLACK TO SHOW OUR UNITY IN FIGHTING FOR A FAIR AND JUST CONTRACT!!!
***** Local 6301 is holding their regular meeting at Brewskees in O'Fallon from
4:30 pm – 9:30 pm.  Please make every effort to attend.
In Unity,
CWA Bargaining Team