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Verizon Bargaining Report #18

On Sunday, your Bargaining Committee continued to meet with the Company well into the

evening. Several key issues remain on the table that keep us from an agreement. Issues that

have no reason to be addressed at the Texas table. Healthcare, pay by the minute, pensions

and cope deduction to mention just a few. As we have stated before, we may be small in

numbers, but this local will fight tooth and nail for our members to reach a FAIR and JUST

contract for the members of this local. We will not be the sacrificial lamb for what they want to

implement in the East. We will not be the first to pattern bargain items that do not pertain to Texas

for the Company to spread around to the other contracts like a virus on your computer.


In Unity,


Your Bargaining Committee

Ken Conner

Tony Shaffer

Ken Morgan