West Virginia coal miners strike, defend selves against National Guard - 1912
After a four-week boycott led by Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., bus companies in New York City agree to hire 200 black drivers and mechanics - 1941
Some 200,000 CWA telephone workers strike the Bell System. The strike ended after 18 days, with workers winning wage and benefit increases totaling nearly 20 percent over three years - 1968
Toil and Trouble, by Thomas R. Brooks; American Labor Struggles, by Samuel Yellen; IWW calendar, Solidarity Forever; Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor, edited by Robert E. Weir and James P. Hanlan; Southwest Labor History Archives/George Meany Center; Geov Parrish’s Radical History; workday Minnesota; Andy Richards and Adam Wright, AFL-CIO Washington DC Metro Council (graphics research).