State of Missouri Local 6355
Regarding the tentative agreement between CWA Local 6355 and The State of Missouri - Office and Administration including the Departments of Social Services and Health and Senior Services (Division of Regulation and Licensure-Section for Long Term Care, and Division of Senior and Disability Services) included is the voting process for Local 6355 Members in good standing. CWA Local 6355’s Election Committee will be mailing ballots to all CWA Local 6355 Members in good standing from the DSS/DHSS bargaining unit on Monday, Oct 18, 2010. If you have not received your ballot in the mail by October 25, 2010 then please contact the Local at 1-800-575-6355. The ballots will be counted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 by the Election Committee. Ballots will have to be mailed and delivered to the post office box by Saturday, November 20, 2010 in order to be counted.
The bargaining committee unanimously recommended the ratification of the tentative agreement.
Jewish Family Services Workers United - Meeting the Bargaining Team!