St. Louis Public Radio and Communications Workers of America - Bargaining Report #1
St. Louis Public Radio
Communications Workers of America
Bargaining Report #1
January 23, 2024
The Communications Workers of America and St. Louis Public Radio kicked off negotiations on Monday, January 22, 2024, with the University of Missouri-St. Louis/University of Missouri System to secure a fair working contract. Last night’s ice storm forced this initial meeting to be remote, but it didn’t stop a good meeting. Each team introduced themselves and their backgrounds before launching into ground rules and some housekeeping for future negotiation sessions.
CWA also requested St. Louis Public Radio employees in development, administrative and other roles that support the radio station be included in the scope of this contract negotiations and sent the first proposals for the contract agreement to the University. Representatives from the University said they will need time to review both of those requests before responding.
We look forward to our next negotiating session, which will be scheduled soon.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee