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Southwest Electric Bargaining Report #1


The Union met with the Company on October 17, 2014 to open bargaining regarding the closure of the Power Division which affects about 34 employees. The Union presented the Company with proposals regarding Severance Payments, Job Placement, Recall Rights, Benefits, and Job Training. The Union is currently reviewing a package offer that includes positive gains and addresses most of our proposals.  More information to follow.  In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee

The Union met with the Company on October 17, 2014 to open bargaining regarding the closure of the Power Division which affects about 34 employees. The Union presented the Company with proposals regarding Severance Payments, Job Placement, Recall Rights, Benefits, and Job Training. The Union is currently reviewing a package offer that includes positive gains and addresses most of our proposals. 


More information to follow. 


In Solidarity,


Your Bargaining Committee