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Online Petition to Stop AT&T Healthcare Astronomical Premium Raises on Retirees

A CWA retiree from AT&T has started an online petition to protest the recent increases to retiree health care premiums. While we do not bargain retiree health care, we can send a strong message of support to our retirees. Check out the petition, then sign, forward, and post.

Here's the text of the petition:

Stop AT&T Healthcare Astronomical Premium Raises on Retirees

We retirees have given the best years of our lives to being loyal hard-working employees of AT&T. Now, in our retirement years, some of us are faced with healthcare premiums that are, in some cases, more than an 1100% increase per month over last year's rates. We deserve better than that from a corporation of AT&T's wealth and stature. Stop raising our premiums! They are almost impossible to pay on a fixed income.