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Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative Bargaining Report #6

We continued negotiations today with the Cooperative in an effort to reach a Tentative Agreement subject to membership approval.  Also, we rejected the Cooperative Proposal Package as it did not address the members concerns.  Further, we submitted improvements in the following articles: Article 6 – Work Schedules, Overtime and On-Call, Article 10 – Vacations, Article 15 – Group Insurance, Article 18 – Reimbursement of Expenses and Wages.  Afterwards, the parties recessed and agreed to get back together later.  The parties reconvened late in the evening to continue discussions in attempt to reach an agreement. Afterwards, the parties recessed and agreed to meet on Thursday, October 21, 2010 in the a.m.

Remember, to sign a non-member today.  United We Bargain…Divided We Beg!

In Solidarity,

Your CWA Bargaining Committee