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Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative Bargaining Report #1 and #2

The Bargaining team representing NEO REC met with the Company team on Wednesday, September 29 to begin negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. Discussion was opened on Company policy and articles that deal with benefits that are expected to be priorities for both sides. After discussions from both sides reflecting our positions the meeting was adjourned until Thursday morning. Thursday, September 30th began with both parties passing proposals. Some of the Articles being discussed were:

Articles 1 Recognition

Article 2 Cooperation

Article 3 Union Security

Article 6 Work Schedules, Overtime and On-Call

Article 8 Union Representation

Article 10 Vacations

Article 11 Holidays

Article 15 Group Insurance

Article 18 Reimbursement of expenses

Attachment A

Extensive discussion continued all evening and meeting adjourned with plans to on returning to the table on October 13th at 9:30 a.m.

Remember, United We Bargain…and sign-up a non-member.

In Unity,

Your CWA Bargaining Committee