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Multiband Bargaining Report #2

The Union and the Company met yesterday February 22, 2011 and worked late into the night. The Company presented their responses to the Union’s proposals, and then presented the Company’s proposals to the Union.

In review of the Company’s proposals they want to get rid of seniority, through out the entire contract, to be able to use contractors for any work, any time the Company desires, which means that contractors could be doing work, while members have no work to do.

The Company wants to install security equipment on Company vehicles, (GPS) and also to be able to track employees through hand held equipment. The Company is proposing to be able to change rules without any notification to the Union, at any time they want.

They also want to get rid of the 2 hour call out time payment, also replace Vacation, Holidays, Leave of Absence, and Funeral Leave with Paid Time Off (PTO). The Company proposed changing the layoff and recall language, so that they will not be done in seniority order. The Company also proposed that drug testing and an attendance policy be included in the contract.

The Company has done away with the ESOP and at this time is looking at providing a 401K for employees, but that will not happen during this bargaining.

Again, this is your contract, the Company wants takebacks from you as employees. Are you willing to take less, or are you willing to fight for a better contract?