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KRCG Bargaining Report - Tentative Agreement Reached

After over two years of hard bargaining, we are pleased to announce that CWA and
KRCG-TV have reached a tentative Agreement.
We believe that this contract has many improvements and protects our members’
best interests. The following are highlights of the Agreement:

• 3 - Year Agreement

• Wage Increases Consisting of:
2% First Year
2% Second Year
1 ½% Third Year

• Improved Language for Probation Period - From 6 Months to 90 Days

• Maintained Current Job Titles in Article 14 With the Ability to Claim New

• Maintained Premium Pay for Shift Changes and Breaking News

• Kept Current Language in Article 16 – Hours of
 Work/Scheduling/Overtime & Call-Ins

• Article 9 – Improved Grievance and Arbitration Language

• $900 Ratification Bonus

The CWA Bargaining Committee unanimously supports this contract for