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Kansas City Rally In Support of Public Workers

On Friday, March 4, members of CWA Locals 6355, 6360, 6450 and 6327 member Debbie Van Tasell were joined by supporters from the Kansas City Jobs with Justice in a rally at the Fletcher Daniels State Office Building in Kansas City, MO. The purpose of the rally was to show solidarity with public workers in Wisconsin whose collective bargaining rights are under attack by Governor Scott Walker and a Republican led legislature as well as to bring attention to the efforts of some anti-worker legislators in Missouri who are trying to diminish or eliminate workers rights here as well. A special "thank you" went out to US Senator Claire McCaskill for her statements in support of worker's rights.

The rally was a huge success. Despite having only minimal time to organize the rally, dozens of CWA members joined supporters in the lunchtime rally that came complete with rain and hail. Although Local 6450 does not represent public workers, President Colleen Downing has committed her Local's continued support of Local 6355 who represents our state worker members in Missouri. Local 6355 President Bradley Harmon acknowledged this support and was very pleased with the turn out as well as the media coverage of the event (see link).

YouTube Video or copy and paste the following link into your web browser:

Additional Information:  Standing Up For Collective Bargaining Rights