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Grand River Mutual Telephone Company Bargaining Report #2

The Union and Company met March 12, 13, and 14, 2012, but did not reach an

agreement. Your bargaining committee spent the 12th trying to convince the Company

that a “net income” based wage increase will not work. The Company kept talking about

“we are all in this together,” however, they have not shown us what concessions they are

willing to make. The Company gave the Union another proposal that consisted ofthe

following: 5 year contract, NO wage increases, and NO change to the current GHP

calculation or company contribution amounts!!!

We spent the last three (3) days trying to convince the Company to move off of their zero

(0%) wage increase and no additional money in the GHP, but to no avail. The

Company’s last proposal, late yesterday añernoon, included: 0% wage in the first year

and wage and beneñts reopener for the next four (4) years. We are working on

another counter proposal to give them next Thursday, March 22, 2012. All ofthe other

proposals have taken a back seat to this package proposal.

Your Local will be mailing you a strike vote ballot. Please take time to vote and retum

your ballot. This does not mean you will go on strike!!! We still have meetings

scheduled for March 22, 28, 29, 30 and 3l (if needed).

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee