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Frontier Bargaining Reports 116/117


Brother and Sisters,

We are combining two reports, yesterday's and today's since we met with the company after 5 PM yesterday where they presented another package and tried to talk down to the committee with things like, they do not know why we have been in bargaining so long when they had a limited number of proposals and some other trash. The Union chair quickly reminded them that their limited number of proposals are horrendous and detrimental to the membership and we are not getting anything in return equal to theirs. They were also reminded that we are HOLDING FIRM on deleting the FiOS Jobs of the Future MOA. 

We spent the whole day reviewing the material that was received from the company. While they stated what is not in their package, for us to consider it rejected. We have held firm on some of those items as we are trying to protect our work and reduce the contracting. 
We want to assure the membership that your committee is working hard and not going to buckle to a greedy company. We will continue to negotiate in good faith and with your interests at the forefront of our minds. 

In Unity,
The Bargaining Committee
