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Frontier Bargaining Report #79


Brothers and Sisters,

On the heels of an eventful Election Day, and after months of bargaining, your Bargaining Committee and the company have tentatively agreed on several proposals that we feel are in line with the bargaining surveys that were returned prior to bargaining.  Although we are still apart on the last few very important items we are getting closer daily. 

The Union and the company did not meet today but we did receive counter proposals to two of the main outstanding items, Healthcare and Wages.  We spent the remainder of the day deliberating and working on our counters to achieve a beneficial agreement.

Several members have reached out regarding the 2023 benefits enrollment.  We have discussed this with the company and they have stated that once we have an agreement, you will have the opportunity to review the changes and make changes to your elections if necessary.

Your committee is standing strong and fighting for you to make sure we can reach a beneficial agreement for ALL.

In Unity,
Your Bargaining Committee
