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Frontier Bargaining Report #75


Brothers and Sisters,

The committee spent the morning preparing for a subcommittee meeting with the company. The Union's focus is to create a path to acquire training so that you will be qualified when a job requisition is posted and then seniority should be the only factor. The subcommittee reported that it was very productive and worth continuing discussions and trying to co-craft language that can go into the CBA. We recognize the importance of trying to move into higher paying titles and taking out the subjectiveness that can accompany job bidding and cause a backlog of grievances and arbitrations. We hope to agree on something to make an impact in reducing that. More to come on this subject.

Our second focus today was trying to rectify a fallout of healthcare quite a few members are experiencing. The local officers spent most of the day running this to ground and were told the company had identified the problem and should be resolved by morning. We will update you as things develop.

Do not forget to let the company know YOU want a fair contract with job security, good wages and benefits and respect!!

In Unity,
The Bargaining Committee
