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Frontier Bargaining Report #65


Sisters and Brothers,

As the 3rd contract extension expires tomorrow at midnight, and we are still apart on some significant issues, the Union and the company agreed to another extension. This one will be a 2-week extension expiring on October 28, 2022. Today we passed a couple of counter proposals with several items tied to them for the company to consider. They were all enhancements to the contract. We have dug our heels in on the company removing the FiOS Jobs of the Future MOA and told them without deleting that we were not interested in a restrictive proposal they have passed. We already have a pretty tight agreement in place on that issue. Hopefully, we will be able to work through both of these issues soon. We continue to assess the healthcare proposal as well as the Retiree Healthcare. We will fight to the end to get a fair contract!

Should you receive any emails from management trying to tell you what has gone on at the table, ask them for clarification on any questions you have regarding it. The other option is to send your questions to the email we posted yesterday and we can submit them to be answered anonymously for you and post the answers.

Thank you for your patience and support. You work for a company that would do anything for 30 pieces of silver...

In Unity,
The Bargaining Committee
