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Frontier Bargaining Report #55


Sisters and Brothers,

After nearly three months of bargaining, the Union and the company are still far apart on some major issues. Your Bargaining Team wants you to know that we will not settle for a contract that we do not believe is fair and equitable. We have reached TA's on some proposals, but we believe that the company could have easily reached an agreement on all topics, as we are not asking for anything unreasonable or undeserving after holding this company together throughout its short tenure in filing for bankruptcy while executives walk in and out the doors with pockets full of $$$.

They were keeping relevant information about healthcare to themselves and when confronted about it they responded that, generally speaking, this happens often.

In the last bargaining report, we noted that some progress had been made, but it is not nearly enough to satisfy the needs of our membership. Frontier is a multi-billion dollar corporation that pays its executives tens of millions of dollars a year, so it's not unrealistic to set an expectation for them to share that wealth with every one of its employees that make those profits possible in the first place. The front-line employees are the BACKBONE of the company.

Mobilization is still key and we need EVERY MEMBER in this fight with us to make sure the company knows that we demand respect and we deserve more.

Please keep Florida and Cuba and their people in your thoughts and prayers as hurricane IAN is coming down hard. Our Brothers and Sisters will have a long road ahead of them in the aftermath of this storm.

There is strength in numbers and power in Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee
