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Frontier Bargaining Report #49


Sisters & Brothers,

We worked on a couple of proposals with just a few days until the extension expires; we remain far apart on many key issues.  We are very far apart on Healthcare.  During this pandemic, medical benefits are incredibly important, and it is not too much to ask from a company with the resources Frontier has to offer better benefits that their employees can afford.

There is an increasing demand for a communication infrastructure, Frontier cannot afford to delay its fiber deployment, YET Frontier’s proposals are not to retain employees but support incentives for its highly trained employees to leave.  Frontier’s business objectives appear that using contractors over full time employees will yield better profits and returns for their shareholders.  Frontier needs to do it right the first time, without skills and integrity, our customers will get what they pay for, “A CONTRACTOR”!


If the company really cares about the customer instead of the bottom line, they would protect its employees with the experience and salvage their reputation. It is about time they share that profitability with their employees who make it all possible.  You can put all the lipstick in the world on a pig, in the end it is still a pig.  Rebranding and changing logos appears to be the pig here. 

The members voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike if necessary.  All members need to be prepared to turn in their badges and keys on Friday after their tour. 

As we approach this Friday, mobilization needs to increase.  Every member needs to make sure FRON”TEARS” knows we demand respect.

The link to send pictures of the shoddy contractor work is below.  Do not use your company equipment or be on company time when you capture this shoddy work.  Also, take pictures from the street side view.

In Unity,
Your Bargaining Committee
