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Frontier Bargaining Report #42


Sisters and Brothers,

Today your committee spent the bulk of the day reviewing and modifying counter proposals passed by the company over the weekend. The company also provided answers to some questions we had submitted last week. To date, the company has five outstanding information requests to get back to the Union.

Additionally, we spent several hours examining the SPD's (Summary Plan Description) and explanation letters created by the company's subject matter experts and identifying how they do not align with existing contract language.  We are attempting to address those inconsistencies and create language that will be controlling when there is conflicting language between the SPD's and the contractual language.  We bargain the language in the contract and not the SPD, this gives us the ability to provide clearer definitions and benefits for the membership that cannot be changed during the time limits of the contract.

We finished out the day revising Union counter proposals to pass to the company tomorrow when we reconvene in a joint session.

Watch the Local and District social media and websites for mobilization updates and additional information about bargaining. 

In Unity,
The Bargaining Committee
