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Frontier Bargaining Report #35


Sisters and Brothers,

As stated yesterday by your committee, we worked and met with the company today. We submitted questions regarding split and Saturday work schedules. The Union stressed the importance of a work-life balance that seems to be forgotten when they are calculating profits. They seem to think that if you do not work a non-scheduled day, you are being insubordinate. They do not understand that you have a family and events you would like to attend instead of being overworked and the threat of being disciplined if you decide to rest your body and mind and enjoy your family instead of working your 6th day of the week. Yes, we have overtime and double-time pay, but do you want your family to know that a paycheck raised them and not their parent? Think about it... There is no service emergency, no weather related events that you need to get customers in service. It is simply to ensure hedge funds and executives meet some magic number of subscribers that will yield profits and compensation to them so they can take their families on vacation while you continue to sweat in the Texas heat. 

We will meet with the company again tomorrow to continue negotiations. 

In Unity,
The Bargaining Committee
