Frontier Bargaining Report #17
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
We remain far apart on many major issues. The company continues to leisurely respond to the Union’s request for Information. Rest assured your Bargaining Committee will not settle for a deal that we do not believe is fair and equitable, Frontier is a profitable corporation that pays its executives millions of dollars a year, so it’s not unrealistic to expect them to share the wealth with every one of its employees that make the profits possible in the first place. Members, you need to make sure Frontier knows that we demand respect, and we deserve more. Please stay in touch with your local mobilizers and get involved. Call or email your manager to ask if we have a contract yet. If not, why not? There is strength in numbers, let’s stand up and fight for what we deserve!!
There is no stability without solidarity and no solidarity without stability.
In Unity,
Your Bargaining Committee