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Frontier Bargaining Report #112


Brothers and Sisters,

The Union Started the day by truing up all proposals still outstanding. There are still some gaps between proposals that need to be closed before we get to a Tentative Agreement to send to the Membership. The Company and Union met this afternoon in a joint session and the company passed a revised proposal on FIOS Jobs of the Future MOA that we are reviewing. At first glance, this proposal is insulting and totally unacceptable to this committee. That MOA by another name is like putting lipstick on a pig.

We requested that the company do the Telematics presentation to the whole committee. We also discussed the Training initiative proposal and some of the details that have not been resolved with that as well. We continue to be vigilant with the responsibility to reach an agreement that meets the needs and expectations of the members. There is still work to be done and your support continues to be appreciated.

Please be safe during the current conditions.

In Unity,
CWA Bargaining Committee
