District 6 Organizing Initiative Update #6
As you know, we rolled out our District 6 Organizing Initiative in January during the District 6 Conference in El Paso. Since that time, Locals have been working to make face-to-face contacts with non-members as well as engaging in external organizing efforts. I have periodically provided updates on some of the successes that Locals have achieved. Below are a few of the highlights and notable efforts from past two weeks. Please note that, while the number of new members for some Locals noted below may not appear to be large, they are included here because they represent a significant percentage of the Local’s non-members. Additionally, this is not a complete and comprehensive list of all organizing activities throughout the District.
Week of May 30
- Local 6127 signed up 10 new members – three working at Mobility and seven at AT&T.
- Local 6143 signed up 26 new members, 20 of which also signed up to become COPE contributors.
- Local 6733 successfully got signatures on membership cards from 16 Internet Services employees. Five of them also signed COPE cards.
Week of June 6
- Local 6201 visited Mobility retail stores and signed up 10 former non-members.
- Local 6327 organizer Sheryl Janeski conducted an orientation session with a class of Mobility employees and signed up 14 of the trainees on both membership and COPE cards. Five of the new signees will be members of Local 6327 while the other nine are members of other Locals.
- Local 6300 signed up 11 new members who work for AT&T Advertising Solutions.
- Local 6733 brought 12 more AT&T Internet Services employees into the fold, two of which also became COPE contributors.
Again, these are just a few of the success stories Locals have experienced in the past few weeks. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of organizing activities and successes across the District.
Your ongoing organizing efforts are appreciated as we all continue to work to build our Union.