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DirecTV Bargaining Report #7

Your CWA Bargaining Committee worked all day Saturday and into the evening analyzing the Company’s latest package offers and the data the Union requested.  The Company’s package proposals from September 16, 2016 included wage treatment and benefits.

Included in the Company’s package proposals are language for Term of Employment and Transferring to other Job Titles.   The Company has proposed recognition of the Job Titles for inclusion in the Appendixes and Addendum in the Districts 3, 4 and 6 Labor Agreements.  Included in the Company proposals are benefit packages for the three Districts.  The Company proposals include benefits for health and welfare, disability, savings, and pensions.  The Company has proposed a resolution procedure for problems in the workplace and discipline. 

The Union Committee will be meeting again on Sunday and working through the day, continuing to analyze the Company’s offer and preparing to respond to their packages.  We will provide updates to these Negotiations as events transpire. 

Your CWA Bargaining Committee