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DirecTV Bargaining Report #6

Your CWA Union Bargaining Committee and the Company Bargaining Committee met on Friday afternoon.  The Company rejected the Union’s entire bargaining package proposal.  After rejecting the Union’s proposal, the Company presented their second package proposal to your CWA Bargaining Committee.   The Company once again presented three proposals, one each for

Districts 3, 4 and 6.  The Union Committee worked into the evening studying the Company’s latest package proposal.  The Company presented for the first time their benefit proposal to the Union.

The CWA Bargaining Committee presented a new bargaining proposal to the Company to make the former DTV members eligible to participate in the National Transfer Plan.  The Company will consider the Union’s proposal.

Your Union CWA Bargaining Committee will continue to study the Company’s package proposal on Saturday.  The Committee will request further data on the latest Company proposal as it works this weekend.  Your Union Committee is determined to work as many hours as it takes to negotiate a good agreement for the former DIRECTV employees.

In Solidarity,

Your CWA Bargaining Committee