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D6 Organizing Initiative Update #13



October 17, 2011

As you know, we rolled out our District 6 Organizing Initiative in January 2010 during the District 6 Conference in El Paso.  Since that time, many Locals have been working to make face-to-face contacts with non-members.  Some Locals have engaged in external organizing efforts as well.  I have periodically provided updates on some of the successes that Locals have achieved.  Below are a few of the highlights and notable efforts of our Locals since the last update.  Please note that, while the number of new members for some Locals listed below may not appear to be large, they are included here because they represent a significant percentage of the Local’s non-members.  Additionally, this is not a complete and comprehensive list of all organizing activities throughout the District.  A more complete representation of all organizing activities across the District can be found in the Weekly Organizing Reports that are being compiled and disseminated to all Locals each week.

Week of July 24, 2011

•Local 6012 organizers signed up 18 new members and three COPE contributors
•Local 6016 added 10 new members to Local membership rolls
•Local 6327 signed up 14 new members, eight of whom were signed up for sister Locals
•Local 6300 signed up 53 new members, forty-four of whom also signed up as COPE contributors
•Local 6355 signed up 10 new members
•Local 6733 brought 9 new members into the CWA family

Week of July 31, 2011

•Local 6110 signed up 3 new members leaving only one more non-member in the Local
•Local 6132 is credited with 14 new member sign-ups
•Local 6139 organizers made contact with twenty-two non-members from three different bargaining units and successfully converted 9 of them into CWA members
•Local 6327 signed up 39 of forty-one participants in a Mobility training class, twenty-six of whom were also signed up as new COPE contributors
•Local 6355 added 15 new members to their membership rolls


Week of August 7, 2011

•Local 6203 dispatched five organizers to talk to eight long-term non-members of whom the organizers successfully converted 3 them into CWA members
•Local 6206 submitted information on 3 new members signed up
•Local 6222 organizers signed up 27 new members including one who also signed a COPE card
•Local 6215 added 11 new members and four COPE contributors to their rolls

Week of August 14, 2011

•Local 6012 organizers brought 29 new members into the CWA family, four of whom also  became COPE contributors
•Local 6139 organizers made face-to-face contacts with nine non-members, signing up 3 of them
•Local 6300 signed up 17 new members, twelve of whom were also signed up for COPE

Week of August 21, 2011

•Local 6137 added 7 new members and five COPE contributors during the week
•Local 6139 signed up 5 more long-term non-members
•Local 6171 provided information on 21 new members and three COPE contributors signed up
•Local 6202 brought 7 new members into the CWA family
•Local 6203 organizers signed up 18 new members during a Union orientation session
•Local 6222 organizers signed up 30 new members and four COPE contributors
•Local 6300 signed up 18 new members, sixteen of whom also signed up as COPE contributors
•Local 6312 signed up 4 new members
•Local 6503 added 3 new members and two COPE contributors to their rolls

Week of August 28, 2011

•Local 6012 signed up 16 new members including twelve who also signed COPE cards
•Local 6016 is credited with 12 new member sign-ups during the report week
•Local 6132 organizers signed up 22 new members and one new COPE contributor
•Local 6137 added 14 new members, eleven of whom became participants in CWA’s COPE program
•Local 6139 organizers made face-to-face contacts with seven long-term non-members and converted 4 of them as both new members and COPE contributors
•Local 6143 saw their newly formed Organizing Committee get off to a great start by signing up 11 new members
•Local 6203 organizers made face-to-face contacts with several long-term non-members and brought 4 of them into the CWA family
•Local 6215 signed up 22 new members, eleven of whom also became COPE contributors
•Local 6222 signed up 15 new members, all fifteen of whom also signed on as COPE contributors
•Local 6300 utilized several organizers to sign up 44 new members, including thirty-eight who were also signed up as new participants in CWA’s COPE program
•Local 6314 grew with the addition of 5 new members, four of whom also signed COPE cards
•Local 6327 signed up 16 new members, all sixteen of whom were also signed up as COPE contributors
•Local 6360 organizers signed up 24 new members and two COPE contributors
•Local 6402 added 8 new members and one COPE contributor during the week
•Local 6502 added 3 new members during the report period

Week of September 4, 2011

•Local 6201 conducted a Union orientation session with an AT&T training class and successfully signed up 27 of them as new CWA members
•Local 6202 submitted information on 5 new members signed up
•Local 6215 is credited with 40 new member sign-ups, eighteen of whom became COPE contributors
•Local 6222 added 14 new members and one COPE contributor during the week
•Local 6360 organizers brought 29 new members and one COPE contributor into the CWA family

Week of September 11, 2011

•Local 6016organizers signed up 20 new members and one new COPE contributor
•Local 6143 organizer Eva Sustaita signed up 8 non-members working for Mobility while talking to members about bargaining surveys and proposals
•Local 6206 organizers Rachel Borrego and Gretchen Decker, while distributing bargaining surveys and proposal sheets to Mobility members, successfully converted 4 non-members
•Local 6300 had several organizers find success as a total of 30 new members and seventeen COPE contributors were signed up
•Local 6503 enjoyed a good week, signing up 10 new members and one COPE participant
•Local 6508 added 9 new members employed by AT&T Internet Services

Week of September 18, 2011

•Local 6012 organizers added 29 new members and nineteen COPE contributors to the Local’s rolls during the period
•Local 6150 organizers conducted a Union orientation session with a Mobility training class and signed up 11 new members
•Local 6202 added 3 more new members during the week
•Local 6203 organizers signed up 20 new members, including two who became COPE contributors
•Local 6215 had a great week as organizers added 34 members and ten COPE participants
•Local 6312 signed up 4 new members, one of whom signed a COPE card as well
•Local 6327 is credited with signing up 14 new members and two COPE contributors
•Local 6360 reported 10 new members being signed up throughout the week

Week of September 25, 2011

•Local 6016 is credited with 25 new members and one COPE contributor
•Local 6128 added 3 new members during the week
•Local 6132 is credited with 18 new member sign-ups including three who signed COPE cards
•Local 6137 organizers signed up 15 new members, three of whom became COPE contributors
•Local 6143 added 9 new members and seven COPE contributors to the Local’s rolls
•Local 6222 organizers signed up 42 new members and fourteen COPE contributors during the previous two weeks
•Local 6355 added 18 new members during the previous two weeks
•Local 6502 is credited with 3 new members being signed up

Again, these are but a few of the success stories that Locals throughout the District have experienced from late mid-July through the end of September.  It is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of organizing activities and successes across the District.

Your ongoing organizing efforts are appreciated as we all continue to work to build our Union.

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